Punching for Parkinson's
Funding the Fight Against Parkinson's disease around the world.
Punching for Parkinson's
Funding the Fight Against Parkinson's disease around the world.
Funding the Fight Against Parkinson's disease around the world.
Funding the Fight Against Parkinson's disease around the world.
Join us in raising awareness, support and funds for Rock Steady Boxing. Rock Steady Boxing is the preeminent exercise program for people with Parkinson's disease. Your support helps provide local access to life-changing exercise classes for people around the world fighting Parkinson's disease.
Every contribution supports training, equipment, and program expansion for local Rock Steady Boxing affiliates.
Support a fighter or your local Affiliate with per-Punch pledges or regular donations of any amount. There is no minimum donation.
Register to Box and get in the ring against Parkinson's. Recruit donors and pledges to support you.
Then, on April 11, 2025, World Parkinson's Day, Boxers from around with world will gather at their local Rock Steady Boxing Affiliates to pick a fight.
Throw as many punches as you can in one minute to raise money to FIGHT BACK AGAINST PARKINSON'S!
Punching for Parkinson's is a simple way to spread the awareness and support the fight against Parkinson's.
Post on Social Media.
Tell your friends and neighbors.
On April 11, 2025, World Parkinson's Day, all of the participating Rock Steady Boxing Affiliates will be hosting the Punch-Off. We have over 800 affiliates so chances are, there is one close to you.
Come out and cheer on the boxers, meet some local Rock Steady Boxers and join in the fun of Punching for Parkinson's
The date is approaching fast and we’re making preparations. Don’t miss out!
Punching for Parkinson's is Rock Steady Boxing's unique fund raiser event. It is a punch-a-thon, an opportunity to honor loved ones with Parkinson's, raise awareness about Parkinson's disease and support the work of 800+ Rock Steady Boxing affiliates around the world.
The Main Event is a one-minute mele. Boxers get donations and per-punch pledges indivudually or as a team. Then, on April 11th, World Parkinson's Day, every boxer around the world will throw as many punches as they can in one-minute to help support Rock Steady Boxing's fight against Parkinson's disease
Learn more about Punching for Parkinson's HERE.
Punching for Parkinson's was developed to help Rock Steady Boxing support the development and growth of local RSB Affailitates. All of the money gained from Punching for Parkinson's will go to RSB Affiliates help people with Parkinson's in the fight of their lives.
As each affiliate team reaches donation milestones, they earn benefits - affiliate fees, equipment from Century Martial Ars,
Larger projects can be funded by Grants from Rock Steady boxing. Projects that further the mission of Rock Steady Boxing can receive significant funding.
A portion of the funds will be used to support Rock Steady Boxing International. This will keep the Rock Steady Boxing Program strong and growing into more local communities around the world.
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